It does my heart good to know that there are good and tolerant Christians out there, too. (Although, where were they before the election?) In fact, I guess, most of them are but many have been corrupted by fundamental churches. Interestingly enough, I had a conversation about gay issues with my banker today, a sweet lady that I have known for years. I knew she was a Christian but didn't know to what extent. Although she has always been very supportive of me in the past, she admitted today to voting Yes on Prop 8. And I couldn't hate her for it! She proceeded to go through all the "talking points"- the downward spiral of marriage for pedophiles and polygamists, the bible stuff, etc. and I realized that she's just going on what she's been fed. I tried to enlighten her as best I could and may have planted some seeds in her mind by asking questions like "Would you go to a gay wedding if invited?" (she said yes because she wouldn't want to disappoint her friends). I asked her what she thought of the fact that I was married and she seemed OK with it. She is trying to compartmentalize her religion and her tolerant feelings as best she can. I think seeing how hurt I was and hearing my side of the story presented in a rational, understanding manner may have made her think a little. I certainly hope so.
Hi Doc, I enjoyed your thoughts on marriage and Prop. 8. I always look forward to your comments on Rex's blog. Being an atheist I have never understood how the laws of our country allowed the convictions of the church to dictate this matter. Pick any other group of people, insert them into this restriction, and sit back to hear the uproar. I'm not particularly pro-marriage between anyone. I tried it and it didn't work. I am currently in a very committed heterosexual relationship and we got around the same legal issues that gays are denied by making each other our powers-of-attorney as well as beneficiaries. In the event of illness or death we can legally care for each other and tend to our monetary concerns. Having the marriage certificate means nothing to us. We wear the rings and that's good enough for us.
If having the "blessing" of the state you live in is that important to you I say just be patient. It will come eventually. Perhaps it's just the fact that someone says you can't do something that makes it all the more necessary.
Have a good trip to Vegas and the CES. I'm curious about the other convention you are attending. There are always so many here (I live in Vegas btw). I don't know if you'd be interested but there is a porn convention at the Sands starting 1/8. "Not that there's anything wrong with that" as Seinfeld would say! Ha! See you at Rex's blog.
@ Two Ponies- thanks for your comments. I agree with you fully but it is the (lack of) equal civil rights thing that's got me all dyspeptic. I'm so amazed now that the religious nuts are the ones claiming that their rights are being trampled upon because they're losing the rights to trample on other people's rights!
As for that "other" convention I'm attending- bingo! My (still) husband is in the business- he sells novelty items.
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