Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009- Joe DiPietro

I'm sure this theme has been done before, taking common phrases containing -ing words and re-cluing them so that they work without the -ing.  All the theme answers had words that started with S, to add to the fun.  So it was a fun puzzle to do, especially since I did it in the middle of the night, struck once again with my "Vegas insomnia".  There were some other fun fills such as MINT FAMILY, DUBOSE, DEVILLE (not clued with Cruella), PSYCHE and BARED IT ALL.  You'd think that with all that material I could wind it all into some sort of rant but I'm just not up to the task.

Darn it, TV Land watcher that I am, I knew who Miss Crump was but just couldn't picture her student.  OPIE got filled in through crosses before I realized that he was the answer.

Two clues, interestingly enough in symmetric position, almost ruined it for me.  SET AT was not great, SLOWISH was meh but EASTS? give me a break!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009- Martin Ashwood-Smith

I was going to use today's puzzle as a springboard but couldn't find any entries that really inspired me.  Instead I'll comment on this billboard that I saw here in town:

It reads: is sorry for the narrow-minded, judgmental, deceptive, manipulative actions of those who took away the rights & equality of so many in the name of god.  Our hearts are with you.
It does my heart good to know that there are good and tolerant Christians out there, too.  (Although, where were they before the election?)  In fact, I guess, most of them are but many have been corrupted by fundamental churches.  Interestingly enough, I had a conversation about gay issues with my banker today, a sweet lady that I have known for years.  I knew she was a Christian but didn't know to what extent.  Although she has always been very supportive of me in the past, she admitted today to voting Yes on Prop 8.  And I couldn't hate her for it!  She proceeded to go through all the "talking points"- the downward spiral of marriage for pedophiles and polygamists, the bible stuff, etc. and I realized that she's just going on what she's been fed.  I tried to enlighten her as best I could and may have planted some seeds in her mind by asking questions like "Would you go to a gay wedding if invited?" (she said yes because she wouldn't want to disappoint her friends).  I asked her what she thought of the fact that I was married and she seemed OK with it.  She is trying to compartmentalize her religion and her tolerant feelings as best she can.  I think seeing how hurt I was and hearing my side of the story presented in a rational, understanding manner may have made her think a little.  I certainly hope so.