Yay, Obama! Finally, the country has a chance to pull itself out of the doldrums that it's been in for the past eight years. I really feel that with your cool confidence, generous spirit and even-handed, intelligent leadership many positive things are about to happen. For those people who feel like they have to defend Shrub, please give me one good thing that's happened to the country in the past eight years. And no, the judges will not accept "the country is safer" as an answer (who can forget the classic "I believe the memo was titled 'Al Qaeda Determined to Strike in US'" spoken by the other dingbat, Condi?). Remember, in the 1960s we went to the moon. Given our progress in technology, etc., in that same time period in the 2000s we should at least by now have clean, renewable energy.
To Sarah: your fifteen minutes are way up. Pack your bags and head back to Wasilla and let's hope we never hear from you again. You've got a special needs kid who needs a mother (maybe you should spend some time researching that topic). I've gotta give you credit for moxie, though- you're like a second-year medical student who first decides to hang out a shingle as a neurosurgeon and then decides to be the Chief of Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins.
To the "Yes on 8" people: Kiss my married ass! This has nothing to do with religion (the bible is like statistics- you can make it agree with any point), nothing to do with children (they're just fine being raised in any loving household), nothing about trampling your rights (how you think my being married affects you in any way still floors me). What does this have to do with? You're grossed out by the fact of gay marriage. Pure and simple. The rest, like your precious Creation Museum (which I've visited, horrified), is nothing more than rationalization. You're nothing more than hypocrites masquerading as "Christians"- hypochristians. You and your divisive ways certainly don't stand for anything Jesus preached. Ever hear of "do unto others"? How about "live and let live"? I didn't think so. Now go crawl back into the dirty, slimy, money-lined hole from which you wriggled out of and leave us to enjoy our lives in peace.
1 comment:
Popped over from Rex's to wish you good luck in not having your marital status unceremoniously revoked. Hopefully the millions of straight allies will be a lot mouthier and a lot more inclined to donate to the cause the next time there's an anti-gay ballot measure coming up.
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